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hard currencies

美 [hɑːrd ˈkɜrənsiz]英 [hɑːd ˈkʌrənsiz]
  • n.硬通货(币值稳定,容易兑换)
  • hard currency的复数
hard currencieshard currencies

hard currencies


  • 1
    N-VAR 硬通货,强势货币(指价值稳定的货币)
    A hard currency is one which is unlikely to lose its value and so is considered to be a good one to have or to invest in.

    The government is running short of hard currency to pay for imports.


  1. The dollar was the most liquid of these hard currencies and so the reserve currency of choice .


  2. The government this year abandoned the local currency , which had been left worthless after years of hyperinflation , in favor of hard currencies .


  3. It is better to manage your currencies against a trade-weighted basket of currencies , including the US dollar , the euro , the yen and other hard currencies .


  4. The worry is that these countries are fairly recent adherents to capitalism as witnessed by the suicidal tendency of Hungarians to finance their mortgages in hard currencies such as the Swiss franc .


  5. Effectively the international ( financial ) system has a tow-tier structure : Countries that can borrow in their own currency constitute the center , and those , whose borrowings are denominated in one of the hard currencies , constitute the periphery .


  6. In the new resolution , namely Resolution 2321 , the 15 member nations of the Security Council decided that North Korea shall not supply , sell or transfer coal , one of the country 's hard currencies , as well as iron and iron ore from its territory , but excluded transactions for livelihood purposes .
